Thursday, November 15, 2012

                                                                     Weekly Topic!

Story:  Your sitting in church, listening away to the Pastor on a Sunday morning, when all of a sudden... BANG! A terrible thought comes into your head. You had not meant to think it, it just came!

Q. What do you do? Take the bate, or pray it out of your head?  Which easier to do? And why would you do it?

Can you answer this question?

Follow Me

 Page 38 
His Princess                                                    My Princess,
                             Follow Me

Your feet are beautiful when they follow me. I am the Way the Truth and the Life, My Love, and I have given you feet to walk with Me through this life. Just as Moses walked My people out of slavery, your walk with Me will be filled with My divine intervention. If you follow My lead, you will feel Me as we journey together in the same direction.

Your King and  your Deliverer

Look up Isaiah 52:7