Sunday, September 12, 2010


Algeroth,another land that has not yet been visited by any evil,is a bountiful land with rolling green hills. With fields of gold and purple  flowers, and peaceful inhabiters called,Lingereths.These people are small,fat and dwarf like creatures who are governed by a wise and good king.All was peaceful...for a time,until a great evil nation which the people had never known existed,  came from the north of Algeroth.
 They seemed nice enough,their king gave the king of Algeroth gifts from his land just beyond the Wildor mountains.The king trusted the Wildor people,so much so that he allowed them to see the Hidden Mines,where the royal treasure lay.
 One black night,the large army of Wildor came and killed the men and women of Algeroth.Some managed to escape from the armie's clutches,like a certain Lord Truban.
 Lord Truban was a young man in the court of Algeroth and held a great friendship with the king's wizard and had spent much of his time with the wise old man, and had lerned some magic from him.
 Just before the castle was attaked,the wizard told  Truban to flee and never come back unless with an army to Algeroth,but before he left the castle,he gave Trubal a book.This book would take him to another world and if he needed to get back to Algeroth all he had to do was repeat a spell that was writen on the back of the book. If you want to find out what happens you have to look again next Saturday!


Hi,i'm rooblers,
I made this Blog so that I can publish my stories on this page.
I will put down stories,and you can read them!
Have a nice time on my blog page :)